Monday, August 10, 2009

FREE Cutting File Lil' Devil TITLE GSD WPC KNK AI SVG Formats

We are off to our cabin in Michigan tonight, only for a week this year. We usually go for at least 10 days. I'm kind of sad about that, but it will still be awesome to get away. We are going to leave around 11 pm, and drive through the night & should arrive 7 or 8 am tomorrow morning. I have 3 suitcases packed & 1 to go (the twins packed their own this year...woo hoo), so I'm taking a break, and loading a FREEBIE for you. It comes with three titles, that are interchangable on the provided matt, little horns & tail, and a pitchfork with a matt. You will need to save & glue the insides of a few letters depending which title you use (D,R & O) so don't forget after you cut to save them.

I hope you enjoy it, see you all in a week.

password is iagreetotermsofuse


  1. it won't accept the password ... so I can't get the file. Boo-Hoo!! This file is sooo cute and I want it!!


  2. Sorry...try again. I just went & re-entered the password. Let me know.

    Darcy :o)

  3. I used your OLD password and it worked!! The file is great and I am glad I figured it out!!


  4. Wow, you're TOO smart! Now, it is changed to the new password so you got it just in the nick of time..:o))

  5. Thank you. That is very cute. Hailey

  6. Thank you for the freebie! Too cute! (and perfect for my own two little devils lol)

    Have fun on vacation! :)


  7. thanks for the halloween treat!!!!
